SECTION 58.1-2283. Jeopardy assessment  

If the Commissioner (i) receives notice from a supplier pursuant to subsection C of § 58.1-2237 of any licensed distributor or licensed importer who did not pay the tax due the supplier, or (ii) is of the opinion that the collection of any tax or any amount of tax required to be collected and paid under this chapter will be jeopardized by delay, the Commissioner shall make an assessment of the tax or amount of tax required to be collected and shall mail or issue a notice of such assessment to the taxpayer with a demand for immediate payment of the tax or of the deficiency in tax declared to be in jeopardy, including penalties and interest. In the case of a tax for a current period, the Commissioner may declare the taxable period of the taxpayer immediately terminated and shall mail or issue the notice of such finding and declaration to the taxpayer with a demand for immediate payment of the tax based on the period declared terminated, and such tax shall be immediately due and payable. Assessments provided for in this section shall become immediately due and payable. If any such tax, penalty or interest is not paid upon demand, the Commissioner may proceed to (i) collect the same by legal process, including but not limited to filing a memorandum of lien pursuant to § 58.1-2237 or (ii) accept a surety bond or other security deemed to sufficiently ensure full payment of the amount of tax, penalty and interest assessed against the taxpayer.

2000, cc. 58.1-2237 , 58.1-2237 ; 2004, c. 58.1-2237 .