SECTION 58.1-2233. Deductions; percentage discount  

A. A licensed importer who removes motor fuel from a terminal rack of a permissive or an elective supplier or licensed distributor may deduct from the amount of tax otherwise payable to a supplier the amount calculated on motor fuel that the licensee received from the supplier and resold to a governmental entity, or resold to an organization described in subdivision 2 of § 58.1-2226 for use in the operation of an aircraft if, when removing the fuel, the licensee used an exempt access card or exempt access code specified by the supplier to notify the supplier of the licensee's intent to resell the fuel in an exempt sale.

B. A licensed importer who removes motor fuel from a terminal rack of a permissive supplier, an elective supplier, or a licensed distributor may deduct from the amount of tax otherwise payable to a supplier the amount calculated on aviation jet fuel that the licensee received from the supplier and resold to a licensed aviation consumer if, when removing the fuel, the licensee used an exempt access card or exempt access code specified by the supplier to notify the supplier of the licensee's intent to resell the aviation jet fuel to a licensed aviation consumer.

C. A licensed distributor who pays the tax due a supplier by the date the supplier is required to remit the tax to this Commonwealth may deduct from the amount due a discount of one percent of the amount of tax payable. A licensed importer who (i) removes motor fuel from a terminal rack of a permissive or an elective supplier and (ii) pays the tax due to the supplier by the date the supplier is required to remit the tax to the Commonwealth may deduct from the amount due a discount of one percent of the amount of tax payable. A supplier shall not directly or indirectly deny this discount to a licensed distributor or licensed importer who pays the tax due the supplier by the date the supplier is required to remit the tax to the Commonwealth.

2000, cc. 58.1-2226 , 58.1-2226 .