SECTION 58.1-2228. Exempt access cards; exempt access codes  

A. A licensed distributor, licensed importer or, in the case of aviation jet fuel, a licensed aviation consumer shall only remove motor fuel from a terminal by means of a supplier-issued exempt access card or exempt access code if (i) the motor fuel will be resold to a governmental entity or an organization exempt from tax under subdivision 2 of § 58.1-2226 for a purpose that is exempt from the tax or (ii) the aviation jet fuel will be used by the aviation consumer or resold to a licensed aviation consumer. The use of such exempt access card or exempt access code shall constitute a representation by the licensed distributor, licensed importer or licensed aviation consumer that the removal of the motor fuel is permitted. A supplier shall be authorized to rely on this representation. A licensed distributor or licensed importer who does not resell motor fuel removed from a terminal by means of an exempt access card or exempt access code to an exempt governmental unit or an organization exempt from tax under subdivision 2 of § 58.1-2226 is liable for any tax due on the fuel. A licensed distributor or licensed importer who does not resell aviation jet fuel removed from a terminal by means of an exempt access card or exempt access code to a licensed aviation consumer is liable for any tax due on the aviation jet fuel.

B. A supplier who issues to, or authorizes another person to issue to, another person an exempt access card or an exempt access code that enables the person to buy motor fuel without paying the tax on the fuel shall determine if the person is exempt from the tax or, in the case of aviation jet fuel, is a licensed aviation consumer allowed to purchase aviation jet fuel without payment of tax. A supplier is liable for tax due on motor fuel purchased at retail by use of an exempt access card or an exempt access code issued to a person who is not exempt from the tax or, in the case of aviation jet fuel, is not a licensed aviation consumer allowed to purchase aviation jet fuel without payment of tax.

C. A person to whom an exempt access card or exempt access code is issued for use at a terminal is liable for any tax due on fuel purchased with the exempt access card or exempt access code for a purpose that is not exempt. A person who misuses an exempt access card or exempt access code by purchasing fuel with the card or code for a purpose that is not exempt is liable for the tax due on the fuel. The provisions of this subsection shall apply to the misuse of a card or code that allows a person to purchase aviation jet fuel without paying the tax.

D. The tax liability imposed by this section shall be in addition to any other penalty imposed pursuant to this chapter.

2000, cc. 58.1-2226 , 58.1-2226 .