SECTION 58.1-1743. (Effective May 1, 2021; for expiration date, see Acts 2020, cc. 1230 and 1275, and cc. 1241 and 1281) Transportation district transient occupancy tax  

In addition to all other fees and taxes imposed under law, there is hereby imposed an additional transient occupancy tax at the rate of two percent of the amount of the charge for the occupancy of any room or space occupied in any county or city located in a transportation district established pursuant to Chapter 19 (§ 33.2-1900 et seq.) of Title 33.2 that as of January 1, 2018, meets the criteria established in § 33.2-1900 .

The tax imposed under this section shall be imposed only for the occupancy of any room or space that is suitable or intended for occupancy by transients for dwelling, lodging, or sleeping purposes.

The tax imposed under this section shall be administered by the locality in which the room or space is located in the same manner as it administers the tax authorized by § 33.2-1900 or 33.2-1900 , mutatis mutandis, except as herein provided. The revenue generated and collected from the tax shall be deposited by the local treasurer into the state treasury pursuant to § 33.2-1900 and transferred by the Comptroller into special funds established by law. In the case of the Northern Virginia Transportation District, the revenue generated and collected therein shall be deposited into the fund established in § 33.2-1900 . For additional transportation districts that may become subject to this section, funds shall be established by appropriate legislation.

2018, cc. 33.2-1900 , 33.2-1900 .