SECTION 58.1-1013. Penalty for failing to affix stamps; subsequent violations of article  

Any person who has been issued a permit to affix revenue stamps by the Department and fails to properly affix the required stamps to any cigarettes pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be required to pay as part of the tax imposed hereunder, a civil penalty, to be assessed and collected by the Department as other taxes are collected, of (i) $2.50 per pack, up to $500, for the first violation by a legal entity within a 36-month period; (ii) $5.00 per pack, up to $1,000, for the second violation by the legal entity within a 36-month period; and (iii) $10 per pack, up to $50,000, for the third and any subsequent violation by the legal entity within a 36-month period. Where willful intent exists to defraud the Commonwealth of the tax levied under this chapter, such person shall be required to pay a civil penalty of $25 per pack, up to $250,000. It shall be prima facie evidence of intent to defraud when the number of such unstamped cigarettes exceeds either 30 packs or five percent of the cigarettes in the place of business of such person, whichever is greater. Notwithstanding the immediately preceding threshold limits, if the number of unstamped packs exceeds 500 packs, it shall be prima facie evidence of intent to defraud.

Any cigarettes in the place of business of any person required by the provisions of this chapter to stamp the same shall be prima facie evidence that they are intended for sale.

No civil penalty shall be imposed under this section for any unstamped cigarettes if a civil penalty under § 58.1-1017 has been paid for such unstamped cigarettes.

Code 1950, § 58-757.12; 1960, c. 392, § 12; 1984, c. 675; 2004, c. 58.1-1017 ; 2006, c. 58.1-1017 ; 2010, cc. 58.1-1017 , 58.1-1017 .