SECTION 57-27.2. Correction of interment errors  

A. In any instance where the operator of a cemetery is informed or becomes aware that it has interred or permitted the interment of a body or cremains in the wrong burial space, it shall disinter the burial container wrongfully interred, identify the burial container, and reinter it in the proper burial space. The cemetery shall give reasonable notice, in advance of the disinterment, to the nearest known next of kin of the deceased person and, if requested, the owner of such burial space. For the purposes of this section, "interment" means the same as such term is defined in § 54.1-2310 .

B. At the time specified for the disinterment and reinterment, the cemetery shall permit the nearest known next of kin and, if requested, the owner of such burial space to witness the disinterment and reinterment.

C. The cemetery shall bear all costs of the disinterment and reinterment.

1997, c. 54.1-2310 .