SECTION 56-264.1. Collection of rates, fees and charges  

In the event that the rates, fees or charges charged by any private sewage disposal system company for the services and facilities of any sewage disposal system or sewer improvements by or in connection with any real estate or other property served shall not be paid as and when due, the owner, tenant or occupant, as the case may be, of such property shall, until such rates, fees and charges shall be paid, cease to dispose of sewage or industrial wastes originating from or on such property by discharge thereof directly or indirectly into the sewerage system, and if such owner, tenant or occupant shall not cease such disposal within two months thereafter, it shall be the duty of each county, city, town or other public corporation, board or body, supplying water to or selling water for use on, such property, within five days after receipt of notice of such facts from the private sewage disposal system company to cease supplying water to, and selling water for use on, such property. If such county, city, town or other public corporation, board or body, shall not within such time cease supplying water to, and selling water for use on, such property the private sewage disposal system company may disconnect such property from such sewage disposal system or sewer improvements, and for such purposes may enter on any lands, waters and premises of such county, city, town or other public corporation, board or body. The county, city, town or other public corporation, board or body supplying water to or selling water for use on such property may establish a reasonable fee for discontinuing such service and shall establish administrative regulations to insure proper notice to the customer, to provide for reestablishment of service and to protect it against liability for action taken pursuant hereto.

1976, c. 405.