SECTION 55.1-361. Covenant for "further assurances."  

A covenant by any such grantor "that he will execute such further assurances of the said lands as may be requisite" shall have the same effect as if he covenanted that he, the grantor, and his heirs or personal representative will at any time, upon any reasonable request, at the charge of the grantee and his heirs or assigns, do, execute, or cause to be done or executed all such further acts, deeds, and things for the better, more perfectly and absolutely conveying and assuring the said lands and premises thereby conveyed or intended so to be unto the grantee and his heirs and assigns in manner aforesaid, as by the grantee and his heirs or assigns and his or their attorney, shall be reasonably devised, advised, or required.

Code 1919, § 5176; Code 1950, § 55-73; 2019, c. 712 .