SECTION 55.1-336. Protection of assignees or transferees of debts secured by real estate; form of certificate of transfer  

Whenever a debt or other obligation secured by a deed of trust, mortgage, or vendor's lien on real estate has been assigned, the assignor or the assignee, at its option, may cause the instrument of assignment to be recorded in the clerk's office of the circuit court where such deed of trust, mortgage, or vendor's lien is recorded, provided that such instrument is otherwise in recordable form, or may cause a certificate of transfer signed by the assignor to be recorded in such clerk's office, and such instrument of assignment or certificate of transfer, upon recordation, shall operate as a notice of such assignment. The instrument of assignment or certificate of transfer shall be indexed in the name of the assignor and in the names of the obligor or maker, and the trustees, as applicable, all of whose names shall be set forth in such instrument or certificate. The certificate of transfer shall conform substantially to the following:


Place of Record:

Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the ________ of ________, Virginia

Date of [Deed of Trust/Mortgage/Vendor's Lien]: ________,

Deed Book ________, Page ____

Name of Obligor or Maker: