SECTION 55.1-329. Permissible form for notice of sale under deed of trust  

Notice of sale under any deed of trust regardless of whether it conforms with § 55.1-320 , in the absence of provision in such deed of trust requiring other or additional matter, may be substantially in the following form:

Trustee's Sale of

____________ (brief description or identification of property)

In execution of a deed of trust (name or names of grantor or grantors unless grantor or grantors request in writing that the same be omitted), dated ______, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the ______ court of ______ in Deed Book ______, page ____, ______, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction (a brief description of the property to include street number or, if none, the general location of property and place of sale) on the ______ day of ________, 20__ at __ (ante meridian)(noon)(post meridian), the property described in such deed.

Terms: (Cash)(________)