SECTION 55.1-2822. When no division fence has been built  

If no division fence has been built, either one of the adjoining landowners may give notice in writing of his desire and intention to build such fence to the landowner of the adjoining land, or to his agent, and require him to build his half of such fence. The landowner so notified may, within 10 days after receiving such notice, give notice in writing to the person so desiring to build such fence, or to his agent, of his intention to let his land lie open. If the landowner giving the original notice subsequently builds such division fence and the landowner who has so chosen to let his land lie open, or his successors in title, subsequently encloses his land, he, or his successors, shall be liable to the landowner who built such fence, or to his successors in title, for one-half of the value of such fence at the time such land was so enclosed, and such fence shall thereafter be deemed a division fence between such lands.

If, however, the person so notified fails to give notice of his intention to let his land lie open, and fails to agree, within 30 days after being so notified, to build his half of such fence, he shall be liable to the person who builds the fence for one-half of the expense, and such fence shall thereafter be deemed a division fence between such lands.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, no successor in title shall be liable for any amount prior to the recordation and proper recordation of the notice in the clerk's office of the county in which the land is located.

Code 1950, § 8-888; 1977, c. 624, § 55-318; 1985, c. 486; 2019, c. 712 .