SECTION 55.1-1304. Tenant's obligations  

In addition to the provisions of the rental agreement, the tenant shall:

1. Comply with applicable laws affecting manufactured home owners and tenants;

2. Keep and maintain the exterior of the tenant's manufactured home and manufactured home lot as clean and safe as conditions permit;

3. Place all garbage and other waste in the appropriate receptacles, which shall be provided by the tenant when door-to-door garbage and waste pickup is provided;

4. Use in a reasonable and orderly manner all facilities and appliances in the manufactured home park and require any guest or invitee to do so;

5. Conduct himself and require any guest or invitee to conduct himself in a manner that will not disturb the tenant's neighbors' peaceful enjoyment of the premises;

6. Abide by all reasonable rules and regulations imposed by the landlord; and

7. In the absence of express written agreement to the contrary, occupy the tenant's manufactured home only as a dwelling unit.

1975, c. 535, § 55-248.44; 1992, c. 709; 2019, c. 712 .