SECTION 55-324. Petition for action under § 55-323  

Twenty or more freeholders residing within the boundaries referred to in § 55-323 may present to such court a petition signed by them praying that the boundaries of such village or unincorporated community be fixed for the purposes of § 55-323 ; notice of the intention to present such petition, stating the date on which the same will be presented, shall be posted at the front door of the courthouse of such county, and at three or more conspicuous places within such boundaries at least ten days before the day on which such petition is to be presented. Such petition shall state with reasonable certainty the boundaries within which it is desired to prohibit such animals from running at large, and shall also state that at least 300 persons reside within such boundaries, and that a majority of the freeholders residing therein are in favor of prohibiting such animals from running at large.

Code 1950, § 8-894; 1977, c. 624.