SECTION 53.1-232. Procedures for execution of death sentence; subsequent process  

A. Sentence of death shall not be executed sooner than thirty days after the sentence is pronounced. The court shall, in imposing such sentence, fix a day when the execution shall occur.

B. Whenever the day fixed for the execution of a sentence of death shall have passed without the execution of the sentence and it becomes necessary to fix a new date therefor, the circuit court which pronounced the sentence shall fix another day for the execution. The person to be executed need not be present but shall be represented by an attorney when such other day is fixed. A copy of the order fixing the new date of execution shall be promptly furnished by the clerk of the court making the order to the Director. The Director shall cause a copy of the order to be delivered to the person to be executed, and, if he is unable to read it, cause it to be explained to him at least ten days before the date fixed for such execution, and make return thereof to the clerk of the court which issued such order.

C. When the day fixed for the execution of a sentence of death has passed without the execution of the sentence by reason of a reprieve granted by the Governor, it shall not be necessary for the court to resentence the prisoner. The sentence of death shall be executed on the day to which the prisoner has been reprieved.

D. Should the condemned prisoner be granted a reprieve by the Governor, or obtain a writ of error from the Supreme Court of Virginia, or should the execution of the sentence be stayed by any other competent judicial proceeding, notice of such reprieve, writ of error or stay of execution shall be served upon (i) the Director, (ii) the warden or superintendent having actual custody of the prisoner, and (iii) the prisoner himself; the Director shall yield obedience to the same. In any subsequent proceeding, the mandate of the court having regard to the condemned prisoner shall be served upon the Director, the warden or superintendent having actual custody of the prisoner and upon the prisoner. Should the condemned prisoner be resentenced to death by the court, the proceedings shall be as hereinabove provided under the original sentence. Should a new trial be granted, such condemned prisoner shall be conveyed back to the place of trial by such officer or officers as the Director may direct.

Code 1950, §§ 19-274, 19.1-301, 53-316; 1960, c. 366; 1972, c. 145; 1978, c. 667; 1982, c. 636.