SECTION 52-50. (Effective July 1, 2021) Establishment of the Virginia Voluntary Do Not Sell Firearms List  

A. The Department of State Police shall establish the Virginia Voluntary Do Not Sell Firearms List (the List) in the Commonwealth to prohibit the possession, transportation, and sale of firearms to any person who voluntarily registers himself to be enrolled into the List. The Department shall maintain and update the List, and the List shall be used in accordance with § 18.2-308.2:2 to advise a dealer if the Department's records indicate a buyer or transferee of firearms is prohibited from purchasing, possessing, or transporting a firearm. The Department shall promulgate any regulations and develop any policies for the implementation of the List.

B. The Department shall withhold from public disclosure all information regarding a request to be enrolled into or removed from the List and any other personal identifying information contained in or related to the List, except that such information may be disclosed to a law-enforcement officer acting in the performance of his official duties or the applicant with respect to his own information.

2020, c. 18.2-308.2:2 .