SECTION 51.1-159. Medical examinations of persons retired for disability  

A. Once each year following retirement, the Board may require a former member who retired for disability and who has not attained his normal retirement age to undergo a medical examination by the Medical Board or a physician or other health care professional designated by the Medical Board. If the former member refuses to submit to the required medical examination, his retirement allowance shall be discontinued until he complies. If he does not comply within six months of the date of the request, all of his rights to any further disability retirement allowance shall cease, subject to the provisions of § 51.1-160 .

B. If the Medical Board determines that a beneficiary is not disabled after reviewing the findings of any of the medical examinations provided for in this section, all rights to any further disability allowance shall cease, subject to the provisions of § 51.1-160 .

1952, c. 157, § 51-111.61; 1984, c. 430; 1990, c. 832; 1998, c. 51.1-160 ; 2018, cc. 51.1-160 , 51.1-160 .