SECTION 46.2-694.1. (Contingent effective date -- see note*) Fees for trailers and semitrailers not designed and used for transportation of passengers  

Unless otherwise specified in this title, the registration fees for trailers and semitrailers not designed and used for the transportation of passengers on the highways in the Commonwealth shall be as follows:

aRegistered Gross Weight1-Year Fee2-Year FeePermanent Fee
b0-1,500 lbs$18.00$36.00$70.00
c1,501-4,000 lbs$28.50$57.00$75.00
d4,001 lbs & above$40.00$80.00$100.00

From the foregoing registration fees, the following amounts, regardless of weight category, shall be paid by the Department into the state treasury and set aside for the payment of the administrative costs of the safety inspection program provided for in Article 21 (§ 46.2-1157 et seq.) of Chapter 10 of this title: (i) from each one-year registration fee, one dollar and fifty cents; (ii) from each two-year registration fee, three dollars; and (iii) from each permanent registration fee, four dollars.

1997, c. 46.2-1157 ; 2007, c. 46.2-1157 .