SECTION 46.2-653. Temporary registration or permit for transportation of manufactured homes exceeding the size permitted by law  

The Commissioner may grant a temporary registration or permit for the transportation of manufactured homes, which exceed the size permitted by law, on the highways in the Commonwealth from one point to another within the Commonwealth, or from the Commonwealth to a point or points outside the Commonwealth, or from outside the Commonwealth to a point or points within the Commonwealth. Such temporary registration or permit shall show the registration or permit number, the date of issue, the date of expiration, and the route to be traveled or other restrictions and shall be displayed in a prominent place on the vehicle. The owner of every manufactured home of this sort purchased in the Commonwealth for use within the Commonwealth or brought into the Commonwealth for use within the Commonwealth shall apply within 30 days to the Department for title in the name of the owner. This requirement shall not apply to inventory held by licensed Virginia dealers for the purpose of resale.

The authorities in cities and towns regulating the movement of traffic may prescribe the route or routes over which these manufactured homes may be transported, and no manufactured home of this sort shall be transported through any city or town except along a prescribed route or routes.

For each temporary single-trip registration or permit issued hereunder, the applicant shall pay a fee of $1, in addition to any administrative fee required by the Department. In lieu of a single-trip permit, an annual multi-trip permit may be issued for a fee of $40, in addition to any administrative fee required by the Department.

No permit, as provided in this section, shall be issued covering any manufactured home that is subject to a license plate.

Code 1950, § 46-44.1; 1956, c. 85; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-44; 1973, c. 207; 1977, c. 587; 1989, c. 727; 1997, c. 283 ; 1999, c. 283 ; 2003, c. 283 ; 2006, c. 283 ; 2008, c. 283 ; 2014, c. 283 .