SECTION 46.2-2011.27. Basis for reinstatement of suspended licenses, permits, or certificates; reinstatement fees  

A. The Department shall reinstate any license, permit, or certificate suspended pursuant to this chapter provided the grounds upon which the suspension action was taken have been satisfied and the appropriate reinstatement fee and other applicable fees have been paid to the Department.

B. The reinstatement fee for suspensions issued pursuant to this chapter shall be fifty dollars. In the event multiple credentials have been suspended under this chapter for the same violation, only one reinstatement fee shall be applicable.

C. In addition to a reinstatement fee, a fee of $500 shall be paid for failure of a motor carrier to keep in force at all times insurance, a bond or bonds, in an amount required by this chapter. Any motor carrier who applies for a new license, permit, or certificate because his prior license, permit, or certificate was revoked for failure to keep in force at all times insurance, a bond or bonds, in an amount required by this chapter, shall also be subject to a fee of $500.

2001, c. 596 ; 2011, cc. 596 , 596 .