SECTION 46.2-2011.23. Violations; civil penalties  

The Department may impose a civil penalty not exceeding $1,000 if any person has:

1. Made any misrepresentation of a material fact to obtain proper operating credentials as required by this chapter or other requirements in this Code regulating the operation of motor vehicles;

2. Failed to make any report required in this chapter;

3. Failed to pay any fee or tax properly assessed against him; or

4. Failed to comply with any provision of this chapter or lawful order, rule or regulation of the Department or any term or condition of any certificate, permit, or license.

Any such penalty shall be imposed by order; however, no order issued pursuant to this section shall become effective until the Department has offered the person an opportunity for an administrative hearing to show cause why the order should not be enforced. Instead of or in addition to imposing such penalty, the Department may suspend, revoke, or cancel any license, permit, certificate, registration card or identification marker issued pursuant to this title. If, in any such case, it appears that the defendant owes any fee or tax to the Commonwealth, the Department shall enter order therefor.

For the purposes of this section, each separate violation shall be subject to the civil penalty.

2001, c. 596 ; 2013, cc. 596 , 596 .