SECTION 46.2-2011.10. Advertisements  

A. No person shall advertise or permit to be advertised by any means a transportation service unless such person first obtains a license, permit, or certificate as provided in this chapter. Whenever any licensee, permittee, or certificate holder places an advertisement in any newspaper or publication advertising a transportation service, there shall appear within such advertisement the license, permit, or certificate number. If multiple licenses, permits, or certificates are held, only one number must appear.

B. It shall be unlawful for any licensee, permittee, or certificate holder to knowingly advertise by any means any assertion, representation, or statement of fact that is untrue, misleading, or deceptive relating to the conduct of the business for which a license, permit, or certificate is held.

C. The requirement of subsection A of this section to include a license, permit, or certificate number in advertisements shall not apply to excursion train operators.

2001, c. 596 ; 2002, c. 596 .