SECTION 46.2-1701. Licenses required for school and instructor; fees  

No driver training school shall be established or continue operation unless the school obtains from the Commissioner a license authorizing the school to operate within this Commonwealth.

No instructor shall perform the actions enumerated in the definition of "instructor" in § 46.2-1700 unless he obtains from the Commissioner a license authorizing him to act as driving instructor.

The Commissioner shall have authority to set and collect school and instructor licensing fees. All licensing fees collected by the Commissioner under this chapter shall be paid into the state treasury and set aside as a special fund to meet the expenses of the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Upon application of a driver training school licensed in accordance with this chapter, the Commissioner may license such driver training school using criteria established by the Commissioner pursuant to § 46.2-1700 to provide computer-based driver education courses using curricula approved by the Commissioner. A nonrefundable annual licensing fee of $100 shall be required with each application. Such annual licensing fee shall be in addition to fees permitted under this chapter.

1990, c. 466; 2004, c. 46.2-1700 ; 2016, c. 46.2-1700 .