SECTION 46.2-1302. Regulation of operation of vehicles in snow, sleet, etc.; designation of play areas; penalties  

The governing body of any county, city, or town may by ordinance regulate the operation of vehicles on the highways in such county, city, or town in the event of snow, sleet, hail, freezing rain, ice, water, flood, high wind, storm or the threat thereof. In addition to the general powers granted by this section, and any other provisions of this title notwithstanding, any such ordinance may:

1. Prohibit vehicles from parking or operating on designated highways;

2. Authorize the designation and posting of highways as snow routes and prohibit any person to obstruct or impede traffic on a highway designated and posted as a snow route through his failure to have the vehicle operated by him equipped with snow tires or chains;

3. Prohibit the abandoning of vehicles on designated highways;

4. Authorize the removal of vehicles that are stalled, stuck, parked, or abandoned on designated highways;

5. Authorize the storing of removed vehicles and the imposition of reasonable charges for removal and storage;

6. Authorize the designation of certain highways, or portions thereof, as play areas for sledding and similar recreational activities. No city or town shall be liable in any civil action or proceeding for damages resulting from any injury to the person or property of any person caused by an act or omission constituting simple or ordinary negligence on the part of any officer or agent of any such city or town in the designation or operation of any such play area. Every such city or town may be liable in damages for the gross or wanton negligence of any of its officers or agents in the operation of any such play area;

7. Authorize and regulate the operation of snowmobiles on or across streets and highways during periods of snow or ice or at the direction of any law-enforcement officer during an emergency;

8. Set fines for violations. Such fines may be in place of or in addition to the removal and storage of the vehicle and charges therefor, but no such fine shall exceed fifty dollars for each such offense.

1962, c. 431, § 46.1-180.2; 1980, c. 37; 1989, c. 727; 1997, c. 47 .