SECTION 46.2-1088.3. Air bags; installation of other object in lieu of air bag prohibited; notice of installation of previously installed air bag required; penalty  

Any person who, without the knowledge of the vehicle's owner or the person requesting the installation, reinstallation, or replacement of a motor vehicle air bag, installs or reinstalls any air bag or other component of the vehicle's inflatable restraint system knowing that the air bag installation is not in accordance with federal safety regulations applicable to that specific line-make, model, and model year vehicle is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Any person who, without the knowledge of the vehicle's owner or the person requesting the installation, reinstallation, or replacement of a motor vehicle air bag, installs, reinstalls, or replaces a motor vehicle air bag or other component of the vehicle's inflatable restraint system with an air bag or other component of a vehicle's inflatable restraint system knowing that the air bag was previously installed in another motor vehicle is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.

2002, c. 402 .