SECTION 45.1-161.65. When the Chief may cause maps to be made; payment of expense  

If the operator, or his agent, of any mine shall neglect or fail to furnish to the Chief a copy of any map or extension thereof, as provided in § 45.1-161.64 , the Chief is authorized to cause a correct survey and map of said mine, or extension thereof, to be made at the expense of the operator of such mine, the cost of which shall be recovered from the operator as other debts are recoverable by a civil action at law. If at any time the Chief has reason to believe that such map, or extensions thereof, furnished pursuant to § 45.1-161.64 is substantially incorrect, or will not serve the purpose for which it is intended, he may have a survey and map or extension thereof made, or corrected. The expense of making such survey and map or extension thereof shall be paid by the operator. The expense shall be recovered from the operator as other debts are recoverable by a civil action at law. However, if the map filed by the operator is found to be substantially correct, the expense shall be paid by the Commonwealth.

Code 1950, § 45-11; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-28; 1994, c. 45.1-161.64 ; 1999, c. 45.1-161.64 .