SECTION 45.1-161.62. Annual reports; condition to issuance of license following transfer of ownership  

A. The operator or his agent of every mine shall annually, by February 15, mail or deliver to the Department a report for the preceding twelve months, ending with December 31. Such report shall state: (i) the names of the operator, any agent, and their officers, of the mine; (ii) the quantity of coal mined; and (iii) such other information, not of a private nature, as may from time to time be required by the Department on blank forms furnished or approved by the Department.

B. Whenever the owner of a mine shall transfer the ownership of such mine to another person, the person transferring such ownership shall submit a report to the Department of such change and a statement of the tons of coal produced since the January 1 previous to the date of such sale or transfer of such mine. A license will not be issued covering such transfer of ownership until the report is furnished.

C. The operator or his agent of every coal mine shall annually, by February 15, mail or deliver to the Department (i) an affidavit, certified by the Commissioner of Revenue of the locality in which the coal mining operations are conducted, stating that all local coal severance taxes enacted pursuant to §§ 58.1-3703 , 58.1-3703 , 58.1-3703 , and 58.1-3703 due with respect to the coal mining operations have been paid; and (ii) an affidavit, certified by the Treasurer of the locality in which the coal mining operations are conducted, stating that all personal property, real estate and mineral land taxes due with respect to coal mining operations have been paid.

Code 1950, §§ 45-7, 45-12, 45-68.4, 45-69, 45-73, 45-75, 45-78, 45-79, 45-81, 45-83; 1950, p. 156; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-21; 1976, c. 598; 1978, cc. 222, 489; 1982, c. 255; 1984, cc. 178, 590; 1988, c. 577; 1993, cc. 171, 442; 1994, c. 58.1-3703 ; 1996, c. 58.1-3703 ; 1997, c. 58.1-3703 ; 2013, cc. 58.1-3703 , 58.1-3703 .