SECTION 45.1-161.30. Performance of certain tasks by uncertified persons; penalty  

A. It shall be unlawful for any person to perform any task requiring certification by the Board of Coal Mining Examiners until he has been certified. It shall also be unlawful for an operator or his agent to permit any uncertified person to perform such tasks. A violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor. Each day of operation without a required certification shall constitute a separate offense.

B. A certificate issued by the Board of Examiners prior to July 1, 1994, shall be acceptable as a certificate issued by the Board of Coal Mining Examiners until the Board of Coal Mining Examiners shall provide otherwise by appropriate regulations.

1972, c. 784, § 45.1-12.1; 1994, c. 28 .