SECTION 45.1-161.21. Duties of the Chief  

A. The Chief shall supervise execution and enforcement of all laws pertaining to the health and safety of persons employed within or at coal mines within the Commonwealth, and the protection of property used in connection therewith, and to perform all other duties required pursuant to this Act.

B. The Chief shall keep a record of all inspections of coal mines made by him and the mine inspectors. The Chief shall make a comprehensive report to the Director. The Chief shall also keep a permanent record thereof properly indexed, which record shall at all times be open to inspection by any citizen of the Commonwealth.

C. The Chief is authorized to compel individuals to complete training that addresses the subject of a violation issued to the individual as a condition for abatement of the violation.

D. The Chief is authorized to require operators to submit for approval action plans to address hazardous conditions or practices.

E. For the purpose of investigating (i) an accident or (ii) a willful act resulting in a notice of violation or closure order, the Chief shall have the power to compel the attendance of witnesses and to administer oaths or affirmations. Any person who knowingly provides any false statement, representation or certification during investigations is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

F. The Chief shall supervise execution and enforcement of all reciprocal agreements made with responsible officers of other states that implicate any part of the Coal Mine Safety Act, Chapters 14.2 (§ 45.1-161.7 et seq.), 14.3 (§ 45.1-161.7 et seq.), and 14.4 (§ 45.1-161.7 et seq.) of Title 45.1.

Code 1950, §§ 45-1 to 45-6; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, §§ 45.1-3, 45.1-4; 1972, c. 784; 1978, cc. 120, 727; 1981, c. 32; 1984, cc. 184, 337, 590; 1987, Sp. Sess., c. 1; 1994, c. 45.1-161.7 ; 2005, c. 45.1-161.7 ; 2011, cc. 45.1-161.7 , 45.1-161.7 ; 2014, c. 45.1-161.7 .