SECTION 45.1-161.137. Shelter holes  

A. Track haulage roads shall have shelter holes at intervals not to exceed the interval permitted for crosscuts. Except at points where more than six feet of side clearance, measured from the rail, is maintained and at room switches, shelter holes shall be provided at manually operated doors and at switch throws.

B. Except for shelter holes at underground slope landings where men pass and cars are handled, (i) the depth of shelter holes shall not be less than five feet, (ii) the width of shelter holes shall not be greater than four feet unless a room neck or crosscut width exceeding four feet is used as a shelter hole, and (iii) height of shelter holes shall not be less than six feet or, if the height of the traveling space is less than six feet, as high as the traveling space.

C. Shelter holes at underground slope landings where men pass and cars are handled shall be at least (i) ten feet in depth, (ii) four feet in width, and (iii) six feet in height.

D. Shelter holes shall be kept free of refuse, loose roof, and other obstructions.

Code 1950, § 45-69.5; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-71; 1994, c. 28 .