SECTION 38.2-5203. Prohibited provisions  

No long-term care insurance policy may:

1. Be cancelled, nonrenewed, or otherwise terminated on the grounds of the age or the deterioration of the mental or physical health of the insured individual or certificateholder;

2. Contain a provision establishing any new waiting period in the event existing coverage is converted to or replaced by a new or other form within the same company, except with respect to an increase in benefits voluntarily selected by the insured individual or group policyholder;

3. Provide coverage for skilled nursing care only or provide significantly more coverage for skilled care in a facility than coverage for lower levels of care;

4. Be issued based on medical or health status when the policy is issued by an agent or third-party administrator pursuant to the underwriting authority granted to the agent or third-party administrator by the insurer; or

5. Provide that an insurer who has paid benefits under a long-term care insurance policy or certificate may recover the benefit payments in the event that the policy or certificate is rescinded.

1987, c. 586; 1990, c. 285; 2000, c. 559 .