SECTION 38.2-1887. Definitions  

"Designated Responsible Licensed Producer" or "DRLP" means an employee of a limited lines travel insurance agent who (i) is a licensed agent, which may include an individual limited lines property and casualty insurance agent, and (ii) has been designated by the limited lines travel insurance agent as the person responsible for the limited lines travel insurance agent's compliance with the travel insurance laws, rules, and regulations of the Commonwealth.

"Limited lines travel insurance agent" means a licensed property and casualty insurance agent or a limited lines property and casualty agent, designated by an insurer as the travel insurance supervising entity.

"Offer and disseminate" means providing general information, including a description of the coverage and price, as well as processing the application, collecting premiums, and performing other non-licensable activities permitted by the Commonwealth.

"Travel insurance" means insurance coverage for personal risks incident to planned travel, including (i) interruption or cancellation of trip or event; (ii) loss of baggage or personal effects; (iii) damages to accommodations or rental vehicles; or (iv) sickness, accident, or death occurring during travel. "Travel insurance" does not include major medical plans that provide comprehensive medical protection for travelers with trips lasting six months or longer, including those working overseas as an expatriate or deployed overseas as military personnel.

"Travel retailer" means a business entity that offers and disseminates travel insurance on behalf of and under the direction and license of a travel insurance agent or under its own agent license.

2013, c. 497 .