SECTION 38.2-1865.1. (Effective January 1, 2021) License required for viatical settlement brokers; Commission's authority; conditions; renewal application and fee; reinstatement; waiver; fingerprinting  

A. No person shall act as a viatical settlement broker, or solicit a viatical settlement contract while acting as a viatical settlement broker, on or after January 1, 1998, without first obtaining a license from the Commission.

B. A resident or nonresident life and annuities insurance agent shall not be prohibited from obtaining a license, and subsequently acting as, a viatical settlement broker. Such licensed life and annuities agent applying for a license as a viatical settlement broker shall comply with all provisions of this chapter.

C. Application for a viatical settlement broker's license shall be made to the Commission in the manner, in the form, and accompanied by the nonrefundable license processing fee prescribed by the Commission.

D. A business entity acting as a viatical settlement broker is required to obtain a viatical settlement broker license. In addition to the other requirements in this section, and before approving the application, the Commission shall find that:

1. The business entity has paid the fee set forth in this section; and

2. The business entity has designated an employee, officer, director, manager, member, or partner who is a licensed viatical settlement broker as the individual responsible for the business entity's compliance with the insurance and other laws of this title, and related rules and regulations of the Commonwealth.

E. The Commission may require any documents reasonably necessary to verify the information contained in an application.

F. Except where prohibited by state or federal law, by submitting an application for license, the applicant shall be deemed to have appointed the clerk of the Commission as the agent for service of process on the applicant in any action or proceeding arising in the Commonwealth out of or in connection with the exercise of the license. Such appointment of the clerk of the Commission as agent for service of process shall be irrevocable during the period within which a cause of action against the applicant may arise out of transactions with respect to subjects of insurance in the Commonwealth. Service of process on the clerk of the Commission shall conform to the provisions of Chapter 8 (§ 38.2-800 et seq.).

G. The license processing fee required by this section shall be collected by the Commission, paid directly into the state treasury, and credited to the "Bureau of Insurance Special Fund — State Corporation Commission" for the maintenance of the Bureau of Insurance as provided in subsection B of § 38.2-800 .

H. Before June 1 of each year, each viatical settlement broker shall remit the nonrefundable renewal fee and renewal application prescribed by the Commission for the renewal of the license effective July 1 of that year.

I. Viatical settlement broker's licenses may be renewed for a one-year period ending on the following June 30 if the required renewal application and renewal fee have been received by the Commission on or before June 1, and the license has not been terminated, suspended or revoked on or before June 30.

J. The renewal fee required by this section shall be collected by the Commission, paid directly into the state treasury, and credited to the "Bureau of Insurance Special Fund — State Corporation Commission" for the maintenance of the Bureau of Insurance as provided in subsection B of § 38.2-800 .

K. Each applicant for a viatical settlement broker's license shall provide satisfactory evidence that no disciplinary action has resulted in the suspension or revocation of any federal or state license pertaining to the business of viatical settlements or to the insurance or other financial services business.

L. In the absence of a written agreement making the broker the viator's agent, viatical settlement brokers are presumed to be agents of viatical settlement providers.

M. A viatical settlement broker shall not, without the written agreement of the viator obtained before performing any services in connection with a viatical settlement, seek or obtain any compensation from the viator.

2001, c. 38.2-800 ; 2003, c. 38.2-800 ; 2008, c. 38.2-800 ; 2016, c. 38.2-800 ; 2018, c. 38.2-800 .