SECTION 38.2-1845.2. License required of resident public adjusters  

A. No person shall engage in the business of public adjusting, on or after January 1, 2013, without first applying for and obtaining a license from the Commission, except as provided in § 38.2-1845.3 . Every license issued pursuant to this article shall be for a term expiring two years from the date of issuance and may be renewed for ensuing two-year periods.

B. Each individual applicant for a public adjuster license who is at least 18 years of age, who has satisfied the Commission that he (i) is of good character; (ii) has a reputation for honesty; (iii) has not committed any act that is a ground for refusal to issue, denial, suspension, or revocation of a public adjuster license as set forth in § 38.2-1845.3 ; and (iv) has complied successfully with the other requirements of this article is entitled to and shall receive a license under this chapter in the form and manner prescribed by the Commission. The Commission may require, for resident licensing, proof of residency as described in subsection B of § 38.2-1845.3 .

C. Each individual applicant for a public adjuster license shall apply to the Commission in the form and manner prescribed by the Commission and shall provide satisfactory evidence of having met the following requirements:

1. Each applicant shall pass, within 183 calendar days prior to the date of application for such license, the public adjuster examination as required by the Commission pursuant to and in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 38.2-1845.3 .

2. Each applicant for a public adjuster license shall submit a nonrefundable application processing fee prescribed by the Commission at the time of initial application for such license.

3. Prior to issuance of a license, each applicant shall attest that the applicant has, and thereafter shall keep in force for as long as the license remains in effect, a bond in favor of the Commonwealth in the amount of $50,000 with corporate sureties licensed by the Commission, on a form prescribed by the Commission. The bond shall be conditioned that the public adjuster will conduct business under the license in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth. The bond shall not be terminated unless at least 60 calendar days' prior written notice of the termination is filed with the Commission. If, prior to the expiration date of the bond, the licensed public adjuster fails to file with the Commission a certification or attestation that a new bond satisfying the requirements of this section has been put into effect, the public adjuster license shall terminate, and the licensee shall be required to satisfy any and all prelicensing requirements in order to apply for a new public adjuster license. The Commission may ask for a copy of the bond or other evidence of financial responsibility at any time.

D. Except where prohibited by state or federal law, by submitting an application for license, the applicant shall be deemed to have appointed the Clerk of the Commission as the agent for service of process on the applicant in any action or proceeding arising in the Commonwealth out of or in connection with the exercise of the license. Such appointment of the Clerk of the Commission as agent for service of process shall be irrevocable during the period within which a cause of action against the applicant may arise out of transactions with respect to subjects of insurance in the Commonwealth. Service of process on the Clerk of the Commission shall conform to the provisions of Chapter 8 (§ 38.2-1845.3 et seq.).

E. Any individual who acts as a public adjuster and who is also an officer, director, principal, or employee of a business entity acting as a public adjuster in the Commonwealth shall be required to hold an appropriate individual license as a public adjuster in the Commonwealth.

F. A business entity acting as a public adjuster is required to obtain a public adjuster license. Application shall be made in a form and manner acceptable to the Commission. Before approving the application, the Commission shall find that:

1. The business entity has paid the fee prescribed by the Commission;

2. The business entity has demonstrated proof of residency pursuant to subsection B of § 38.2-1845.3 ; and

3. The business entity has designated an individual employee, officer, director, manager, member, or partner licensed in Virginia as a public adjuster to be responsible for the business entity's compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations of the Commonwealth applicable to public adjusters.

G. Prior to issuance of a license, each entity shall attest that the entity has, and thereafter shall keep in force for as long as the license remains in effect, a bond in favor of the Commonwealth in the amount of $50,000 with corporate sureties licensed by the Commission, on a form prescribed by the Commission. The bond shall be conditioned that the public adjuster will conduct business under the license in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth. The bond shall not be terminated unless at least 60 calendar days' prior written notice of the termination is filed with the Commission. If, prior to the expiration date of the bond, the licensed public adjuster fails to file with the Commission a certification or attestation that a new bond satisfying the requirements of this section has been put into effect, the public adjuster license shall terminate, and the entity shall be required to satisfy any and all prelicensing requirements in order to apply for a new public adjuster license. The Commission may ask for a copy of the bond or other evidence of financial responsibility at any time.

H. The Commission may require any documents reasonably necessary to verify the information contained in an application.

2012, cc. 38.2-1845.3 , 38.2-1845.3 ; 2016, c. 38.2-1845.3 ; 2018, c. 38.2-1845.3 .