SECTION 37.2-842. Veterans admitted or transferred to Veterans Affairs hospital, center, or other facility or installation subject to rules; power and authority of medical officer in charge  

Every veteran, after admission to a Veterans Affairs hospital, center, or other facility or installation, either upon initial admission or transfer, shall be subject to the regulations of the Veterans Affairs hospital, center, or other facility or installation, and the medical officer in charge of the Veterans Affairs hospital, center, or other facility or installation to which the veteran is admitted or transferred is vested with the same powers authorized by law to be exercised by the director of a state hospital with reference to retention, custody, trial or home visit, and discharge of the veteran so admitted or transferred.

Code 1950, § 37-74; 1950, p. 905; 1968, c. 477, § 37.1-94; 1972, c. 639; 2005, c. 716 .