SECTION 37.2-604. Board of directors; officers; meetings  

The members of the behavioral health authority board of directors shall annually elect one of their members as chairman and another as vice-chairman and also shall elect a secretary and a treasurer, who may or may not be members, for terms to be determined by the members. The same person may serve as secretary and treasurer. The members shall make regulations and bylaws for their own governance and procedure as they shall determine; they shall meet at least 10 times per year and may hold such special meetings as they deem necessary. The regulations and bylaws shall be submitted to the governing body of the city or county that established the authority for review and comment.

1995, c. 693 , § 15.1-1681; 1997, c. 587, § 37.1-247; 1998, c. 693 ; 2005, c. 693 .