SECTION 36-51.1. Requirements for "conservation plan" generally  

An authority shall not implement any conservation plan under this law until the governing body of the locality has approved a conservation plan, which provides an outline for the conservation, development or redevelopment of the conservation area, affording maximum opportunity for conservation, rehabilitation or redevelopment by nongovernmental persons or entities consistent with the ends to be achieved, and is sufficiently complete to indicate (i) its relationship to definite local objectives as to appropriate land uses and improved traffic, public transportation, public utilities, recreational and community facilities and other public improvements; (ii) any conditions and limitations on acquisition of property; (iii) proposed land uses for the properties to be acquired; (iv) any conditions and limitations, including time limitation, under which property shall be made available for rehabilitation or redevelopment by public enterprise or nongovernmental persons or entities (by sale, lease or retention by the authority itself); (v) standards of design, construction, maintenance, and use of property and other measures to be taken or recommended toward elimination and prevention of blight and deterioration; (vi) the method for the temporary relocation of any persons living in the conservation area who will be displaced in accordance with the plan, as well as the method of providing (unless already available) decent, safe and sanitary dwellings in such city or county substantially equal in number to the number of substandard dwellings to be cleared from the conservation area, at rents within the financial reach of the income groups displaced from such substandard dwellings; (vii) any limitation on the length of time within which project activities can be undertaken; (viii) a procedure for administrative review of the determination at staff level and prior to a final determination by the authority under § 36-50.1 that an individual property is in violation of project standards and, therefore, subject to condemnation; and (ix) the procedure by which such conservation plan may be amended.

1964, c. 378; 1966, c. 81; 2006, c. 36-50.1 .