SECTION 33.2-358. Allocation of funds among highway systems  

A. For the purposes of this section:

"Bridge reconstruction and rehabilitation" means reconstruction and rehabilitation of those bridges identified by the Department as being functionally obsolete or structurally deficient.

"High priority projects" means those projects of regional or statewide significance identified by the Board that reduce congestion, increase safety, create jobs, or increase economic development.

"High-tech infrastructure improvements" means those projects or programs identified by the Board that reduce congestion, improve mobility, improve safety, provide up-to-date travel data, or improve emergency response.

B. The Board shall allocate each year from all funds made available for highway purposes such amount as it deems reasonable and necessary for the maintenance of roads within the Interstate System, the primary state highway system, and the secondary state highway system and for city and town street maintenance payments made pursuant to § 33.2-319 and payments made to counties that have withdrawn or elect to withdraw from the secondary state highway system pursuant to § 33.2-319 .

C. Until July 1, 2020, after funds are set aside for administrative and general expenses and pursuant to other provisions in this title that provide for the disposition of funds prior to allocation for highway purposes, and after allocation is made pursuant to subsection B, the Board shall allocate an amount determined by the Board not to exceed $500 million in any given year as follows: (i) 25 percent to bridge reconstruction and rehabilitation; (ii) 25 percent to advancing high priority projects statewide; (iii) 25 percent to reconstructing deteriorated Interstate System, primary state highway system, and municipality maintained primary extension pavements determined to have a Combined Condition Index of less than 60; (iv) 15 percent to projects undertaken pursuant to the Public-Private Transportation Act of 1995 (§ 33.2-319 et seq.); (v) five percent to paving or improving unpaved highways carrying more than 50 vehicles per day; and (vi) five percent to the Innovation and Technology Transportation Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-319 for high-tech infrastructure improvements, provided that at the discretion of the Board such percentages of funds may be adjusted in any given year to meet project cash flow needs or when funds cannot be expended due to legal, environmental, or other project management considerations. After such allocations are made, the Board may allocate each year up to 10 percent of the funds remaining for highway purposes for the undertaking and financing of rail projects that in the Board's determination will result in mitigation of highway congestion. After the foregoing allocations have been made, the Board shall allocate the remaining funds available for highway purposes, exclusive of federal funds for the Interstate System, pursuant to § 33.2-319 and any funds not allocated to a project in the Six-Year Improvement Program as follows:

50 percent for the high-priority projects program established pursuant to § 33.2-319 and 50 percent for the highway construction district grant programs established pursuant to § 33.2-319 .

D. For funds allocated for fiscal years beginning on and after July 1, 2020, after funds are set aside for administrative and general expenses and pursuant to other provisions in this title that provide for the disposition of funds prior to allocation for highway purposes, and after allocation is made pursuant to subsection B, the Board shall allocate all remaining funds, including funds apportioned pursuant to 23 U.S.C. § 104, as follows:

1. Forty-five percent of the remaining funds to state of good repair purposes as set forth in § 33.2-319 ;

2. Twenty-seven and one-half percent of the remaining funds to the high-priority projects program established pursuant to § 33.2-319 ; and

3. Twenty-seven and one-half percent of the remaining funds to the highway construction district grant programs established pursuant to § 33.2-319 .

E. The funds allocated in subsection C or D shall not include any federal funds and related state match for federal funds with restrictions regarding the construction of general capacity expansion of roadways, or federal funds not under the control of the Board. Such exclusion shall not include restrictions on the location of projects to specific road classifications.

F. In addition, the Board, from funds appropriated for such purpose in the general appropriation act, shall allocate additional funds to the Cities of Newport News, Norfolk, and Portsmouth and the County of Warren in such manner and apportion such funds among such localities as the Board may determine, unless otherwise provided in the general appropriation act. The localities shall use such funds to address highway maintenance and repair needs created by or associated with port operations in those localities.

G. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the General Assembly may, through the general appropriation act, permit the Governor to increase the amounts to be allocated to highway maintenance, highway construction, either or both.

1977, c. 578, § 33.1-23.1; 1979, c. 84; 1985, c. 42; 1986, c. 572; 2006, c. 33.2-319 ; 2007, c. 33.2-319 ; 2012, cc. 33.2-319 , 33.2-319 ; 2014, cc. 33.2-319 , 33.2-319 , 33.2-319 , 33.2-319 ; 2015, cc. 33.2-319 , 33.2-319 .