SECTION 33.2-344. Election to determine return to the secondary state highway system  

Upon the petition of qualified voters of any county that proposes to return its roads to the secondary state highway system equal in number to at least 20 percent of the number counted in such county for presidential electors at the last preceding presidential election or 250, whichever is more, the circuit court of such county shall make an order requiring the judges of election on such day as may be fixed in the order, but not less than 30 days after the date of the order, to open a poll and take the sense of the qualified voters of the county on the question of whether or not such county shall return to the secondary state highway system. The qualifications of voters at each such election shall be as provided by §§ 24.2-400 through 24.2-400 .

The ballots for use at any such election shall be printed to state the question as follows:

"Shall ____________________ county (the name of such county to be inserted) return to the secondary state highway system for maintenance and construction by the Commonwealth?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No"

The ballots shall be printed, marked, and counted and returns made and canvassed as in other elections and as provided in § 24.2-400 . The results shall be certified by the secretary of the appropriate electoral board to the State Board of Elections, to the court ordering the election, and to such other authority as may be proper to accomplish the purpose of the election. All other proceedings in connection with any such election shall be in conformity with the proceedings prescribed in § 11 of Chapter 415 of the Acts of Assembly of 1932.

Code 1950, § 33-54; 1970, c. 322, § 33.1-86; 2014, c. 24.2-400 .