SECTION 33.2-1524.1. Transportation Trust Fund  

There is hereby created in the Department of Treasury a special nonreverting fund to be known as the Transportation Trust Fund, consisting of funds distributed from the Commonwealth Transportation Fund pursuant to § 33.2-1524 . The revenues deposited pursuant to subdivision B 1 of § 33.2-1524 shall be distributed during the year to result in the following:

1. For construction programs pursuant to § 33.2-1524 , 53 percent;

2. To the Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1524 , 23 percent;

3. To the Commonwealth Rail Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1524 , 7.5 percent;

4. To the Commonwealth Port Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1524 , 2.5 percent;

5. To the Commonwealth Aviation Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1524 , 1.5 percent;

6. To the Commonwealth Space Flight Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1524 , one percent;

7. To the Priority Transportation Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1524 , 10.5 percent; and

8. To a special fund within the Commonwealth Transportation Fund in the state treasury, one percent to be used to meet the necessary expenses of the Department of Motor Vehicles.

2020, cc. 33.2-1524 , 33.2-1524 .