SECTION 33.2-1219. Maintenance and repair of nonconforming billboard signs  

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, maintenance of and repairs to nonconforming billboard signs shall be governed by this section and any applicable regulations promulgated by the Commissioner of Highways, known as the "Control and Continuance of Nonconforming Signs, Advertisements, and Advertising Structures." Nonconforming billboard signs shall be maintained in a good state of repair and shall be subject to removal for failure to do so, in accordance with §§ 33.2-1211 and 33.2-1211 . In order to make repairs to a nonconforming billboard sign, the owner shall make a written request to the Commissioner of Highways and submit the documentation required by 24VAC30-120-170. The Commissioner of Highways shall review the written request, and if the Commissioner of Highways determines that the cost of requested repairs does not exceed a dollar amount greater than 50 percent of the current replacement cost of the entire billboard sign or structure, the Commissioner of Highways shall provide the owner of the billboard sign with a letter approving the billboard sign repairs. However, in no case shall a nonconforming billboard sign be replaced or rebuilt if the cost of the replacement or rebuilding exceeds 50 percent of the current replacement cost. The owner of the billboard sign shall apply for a building permit from the locality in which the billboard sign is located and provide a copy of the approval letter from the Commissioner of Highways as part of the application for the building permit. The Commissioner's determination as to whether the owner of the billboard sign has complied with this section shall be binding upon the locality unless the building official, for good cause shown, submits to the Commissioner of Highways documentation objecting to the Commissioner's determination within 30 days of the building permit application, with a copy of such documentation being provided to the billboard sign owner. The Commissioner of Highways shall consider any documentation submitted by the building official and shall reissue a determination in accordance with this section, which determination shall be binding upon the locality.

2004, c. 33.2-1211 , § 33.1-370.2; 2014, c. 33.2-1211 .