SECTION 33.2-113. Contributions by cities or towns towards highway building, bridges, etc  

Any city or town, acting by and through its governing body, may contribute funds or other aid within the control of the city or town toward the building or improvement of permanent public highways leading to the city or town, or of bridges, or to the purchase of bridges, or the establishment, maintenance, or operation of ferries, when in the judgment of such governing body such action will tend to promote the material interest of such city or town. But no contribution shall be made toward the building or improvement of any highway or bridge, or the purchase of bridges, or any ferry, at any point more than 40 miles beyond the corporate limits of the city or town, as measured along the route of such highway.

Code 1950, § 33-129; 1970, c. 322, § 33.1-214; 2014, c. 805 .