SECTION 33.2-1034. Removal and reinterment of remains; other proceedings

The trial court shall determine a suitable repository for reinterment and the manner in which the removal and reinterment is to be undertaken and shall tax the cost and expense of such removal and reinterment against the Commissioner of Highways. Insofar as possible and reasonable, the court shall consider the wishes of the next of kin of those interred in such graves in making the determination as to a suitable repository and manner of removal and reinterment. All other proceedings in the condemnation of such land and the determination of just compensation for such taking and damages suffered shall be conducted in accordance with the statutes made and provided for the exercise of the power of eminent domain by the Commissioner of Highways.

Code 1950, § 33-75.4; 1960, c. 308; 1970, c. 322, § 33.1-136; 2014, c. 805 .