SECTION 33.2-1000. Definitions  

As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Certificate" means an instrument that, when recorded in the office of the clerk of the circuit court wherein condemnation proceedings are pending or are to be instituted by the Commissioner of Highways, terminates the interest or estate of the owner of the property described therein and vests defeasible title to such property or interest or estate of the owner in the Commonwealth. "Certificate" includes a certificate of deposit and a certificate of take.

"Certificate of deposit" means a certificate issued by the Commissioner of Highways and countersigned by the State Treasurer, stating that any sum or sums designated therein shall be paid pursuant to the order of the court, and filed by the Commissioner of Highways with the court wherein condemnation proceedings are pending or are to be instituted in lieu of the payment of funds into court, as provided in subdivision A 2 of § 33.2-1019 .

"Certificate of take" means a certificate recorded by the Commissioner of Highways with the court wherein condemnation proceedings are pending or are to be instituted, in connection with which the Commissioner of Highways has deposited funds with the court as provided in subdivision A 1 of § 33.2-1019 .

"Owner" means any person owning land, buildings, structures, or improvements upon land where such ownership is of record in the land records of the clerk's office of the circuit court of the city or county where the property is located. "Owner" does not include trustees or beneficiaries under a deed of trust, any person with a security interest in the property, or any person with a judgment or lien against the property. In proceedings instituted by the Commissioner of Highways under Title 25.1 or this title, "owner" includes persons owning structures or improvements for which an outdoor advertising permit has been issued by the Commissioner of Highways pursuant to § 33.2-1019 . This definition of owner shall not alter in any way the valuation of such land, buildings, structures, or improvements under existing law.

"Public highway" means a highway, road, or street. When applicable, "public highway" includes a bridge, ferry, causeway, landing, or wharf.

2014, c. 33.2-1019 .