For the purposes of redrawing the boundaries of the congressional, state Senate, and House of Delegates districts after the United States Census for the year 2020 and every 10 years thereafter, the General Assembly shall use the population data provided by the United States Bureau of the Census, as adjusted by the Division of Legislative Services pursuant to § 24.2-314 . The census data used for this apportionment purpose shall not include any population figure which is not allocated to specific census blocks within the Commonwealth, even though that population may have been included in the apportionment population figures of the Commonwealth for the purpose of allocating United States House of Representatives seats among the states. 2000, c. 24.2-314 , § 24.2-301.1; 2004, c. 24.2-314 ; 2020, cc. 24.2-314 , 24.2-314 .