SECTION 30-15.1. Deputy clerks of the Senate; certification of records  

The Clerk of the Senate may appoint deputy clerks, for performing the duties of such Clerk and for signing originals, or furnishing copies, of records and papers of the Senate, during the absence of such Clerk or after his death, resignation or retirement, which copies, being certified by any such deputy clerk, shall be evidence for any purpose for which the original would be received, and with as much effect. The Clerk of the Senate making such appointments, shall certify the same to the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Any such deputy so appointed, before entering upon the duties of such office, shall take and subscribe the oath of office and file the same with the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Any such deputy may be removed from office by the Clerk of the Senate by written notice to the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

1954, c. 1; 1972, c. 5.