SECTION 30-111. Disclosure form  

A. The disclosure form to be used for filings required by subsections A and B of § 30-110 shall be prescribed by the Council. All completed forms shall be filed electronically with the Council in accordance with the standards approved by it pursuant to § 30-110 .

B. Any legislator who knowingly and intentionally makes a false statement of a material fact on the Statement of Economic Interests is guilty of a Class 5 felony and shall be subject to disciplinary action for such violations by the house in which the legislator sits.

C. The Statement of Economic Interests of all members of each house shall be reviewed by the Council. If a legislator's Statement is found to be inadequate as filed, the legislator shall be notified in writing and directed to file an amended Statement correcting the indicated deficiencies, and a time shall be set within which such amendment shall be filed. If the Statement of Economic Interests, in either its original or amended form, is found to be adequate as filed, the legislator's filing shall be deemed in full compliance with this section as to the information disclosed thereon.

D. Ten percent of the membership of a house, on the basis of newly discovered facts, may in writing request the house in which those members sit, in accordance with the rules of that house, to review the Statement of Economic Interests of another member of that house in order to determine the adequacy of his filing. In accordance with the rules of each house, each Statement of Economic Interests shall be promptly reviewed, the adequacy of the filing determined, and notice given in writing to the legislator whose Statement is in issue. Should it be determined that the Statement requires correction, augmentation or revision, the legislator involved shall be directed to make the changes required within such time as shall be set under the rules of each house.

If a legislator, after having been notified in writing in accordance with the rules of the house in which he sits that his Statement is inadequate as filed, fails to amend his Statement so as to come into compliance within the time limit set, he shall be subject to disciplinary action by the house in which he sits. No legislator shall vote on any question relating to his own Statement.

1987, Sp. Sess., c. 1, § 2.1-639.41; 1988, c. 849; 1994, cc. § 30-110 , § 30-110 , § 30-110 , § 30-110 , § 30-110 ; 1995, c. § 30-110 ; 1996, c. § 30-110 ; 1997, cc. § 30-110 , § 30-110 ; 1998, c. § 30-110 ; 2001, c. § 30-110 ; 2003, c. § 30-110 ; 2006, cc. § 30-110 , § 30-110 , § 30-110 ; 2007, cc. § 30-110 , § 30-110 ; 2010, cc. § 30-110 , § 30-110 , § 30-110 ; 2014, cc. § 30-110 , § 30-110 ; 2015, cc. § 30-110 , § 30-110 ; 2016, cc. § 30-110 , § 30-110 .