SECTION 3.2-603. Further powers of Commissioner; delegation to Secretary of Agriculture  

The Commissioner may:

1. Collect, compromise, adjust, or cancel claims and obligations arising out of or administered under this chapter or under any mortgage, lease, contract, or agreement entered into or administered pursuant to this chapter and, if in his judgment necessary and advisable, pursue the same to final collection in any appropriate court;

2. Bid for and purchase at any execution, foreclosure, or other sale, or otherwise to acquire property where the Commissioner has a lien by reason of judgment or execution, or that is pledged, mortgaged, conveyed, or otherwise secures any loan or other indebtedness owing to or acquired by the Commissioner under this chapter; and

3. Accept title to any property so purchased or acquired; to operate or lease such property for such period as may be deemed necessary to protect the investment therein; and to sell or otherwise dispose of such property in a manner consistent with the provisions of this chapter.

The authority herein contained may be delegated to the U.S. Department of Agriculture with respect to funds or assets authorized to be administered and used by him under agreements entered into pursuant to § 3.2-601 .

Code 1950, § 3-27.4; 1952, c. 118; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-26; 2008, c. 3.2-601 .