SECTION 3.2-4805. Report and inspection fees  

A. The reporting year for commercial feed tonnage shall be January 1 through December 31. The manufacturer or guarantor shall, by February 1 of the next ensuing year: (i) file the tonnage statement with the Commissioner; and (ii) pay to the Commissioner the inspection fee that shall not be less than $35 per year.

B. The filing of a tonnage report and the inspection fee shall be as follows:

1. Except when distributing to a contract feeder, any person who manufactures or distributes commercial feed or a component of commercial feed under his label in the Commonwealth, including a person who mixes, mills, or processes customer-formula feed, shall file with the Commissioner a tonnage statement and pay to the Commissioner an inspection fee of seven cents ($0.07) per ton of commercial feed per reporting year.

2. Any person who distributes commercial feed to contract feeders in the Commonwealth shall file with the Commissioner a tonnage statement and pay to the Commissioner an inspection fee of seven cents ($0.07) per ton of commercial feed distributed to contract feeders per reporting year.

3. Any person who distributes commercial feed to a nonlicensed person:

a. Shall file the tonnage statement with the Commissioner and pay to the Commissioner the inspection fee as specified in this subsection; or

b. Shall not be required to file the tonnage statement or pay the inspection fee if: (i) another person agrees in a written statement, filed with the Commissioner, to file the tonnage statement and pay the inspection fee by February 1; and (ii) he files with the Commissioner by February 1 a purchasing report on a form furnished or approved by the Commissioner stating the number of tons of commercial feed purchased during the reporting year and from whom the commercial feed was purchased.

C. The Commissioner shall not require a person to pay an inspection fee on a portion of a custom-mix feed that is produced by the purchaser or acquired by the purchaser from a source other than the person who is paying the inspection fee.

D. The manufacturer or guarantor shall report commercial feed tonnage and pay the inspection fee on all packages of the same product name or brand name of any commercial feed registered under this section, sold in packages of greater than 10 pounds, as required by this section.

E. Any person who is liable for an inspection fee that is due, and has not been paid to the Commissioner, within 15 working days following February 1, shall pay to the Commissioner a late fee of 10 percent of the inspection fee due, or $50, whichever is greater, in addition to the amount of inspection fee owed. The assessment of this late fee shall not prevent the Commissioner from taking other action, as provided for in this chapter.

F. Any person required to pay an inspection fee, or to report commercial feed tonnage, under this chapter shall keep such records as may be necessary or required by the Commissioner to indicate accurately: (i) the tonnage of commercial feed; (ii) the product names of any medicated feeds; (iii) the product names of any small package commercial feeds; and (iv) the product names of any specialty pet products distributed by the person in the Commonwealth. The person who reports commercial feed tonnage shall retain such records for a period of three years. The Commissioner may examine such records to verify reported statements of tonnage.

1994, c. 743 , § 3.1-828.7; 2008, c. 743 .