SECTION 3.2-4206.01. List of persons ineligible to be authorized holders  

A. The Attorney General shall develop and publish on its website a list of individuals who are ineligible to be authorized holders as defined in § 58.1-1000 . The Attorney General shall update the list as necessary to add names of individuals who are no longer eligible to be authorized holders. Upon request, the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court shall provide the Attorney General with assistance to ensure that the requirements of this section are met.

B. Any attorney for the Commonwealth, law-enforcement officer, or other person may submit a request to the Attorney General that a person be included on the list and shall submit a certified court order of the conviction that makes the person ineligible to be an authorized holder of cigarettes.

C. Nothing in this section shall impose an affirmative duty on the Attorney General to identify persons to be included on the list who are ineligible to be authorized holders of cigarettes due to a conviction in another state, in the absence of a request received from an attorney for the Commonwealth, law-enforcement officer, or other person.

D. No liability shall be imposed upon the Attorney General for any omissions or the incorrect inclusion of any individual on the listing required under subsection A. No liability shall be imposed upon any attorney for the Commonwealth or law-enforcement official who provides information to the Attorney General in accordance with subsection B. This provision shall not be construed to grant immunity for gross negligence or willful misconduct.

2015, cc. 58.1-1000 , 58.1-1000 .