SECTION 3.2-4203. Withdrawal of escrow funds assigned and contributed to the Commonwealth

Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection B of § 3.2-4201 , any escrow funds assigned and contributed to the Commonwealth pursuant to § 3.2-4201 shall be withdrawn by the Commonwealth by request of the State Treasurer to the Attorney General and upon approval of the Attorney General. The State Treasurer shall make such request as soon as practicable and such escrow funds withdrawn shall be deposited into the Virginia Health Care Fund established under § 3.2-4201 .

After such withdrawal, any remaining escrow funds shall be withdrawn under the withdrawal procedures provided in this section, and the withdrawn escrow funds shall be deposited into the Virginia Health Care Fund. Nothing in this article shall be construed to relieve a tobacco product manufacturer from any past, current, or future obligations it may have pursuant to Article 1 (§ 3.2-4201 et seq.) or 3 (§ 3.2-4201 et seq.).

2005, cc. 3.2-4201 , 3.2-4201 , § 3.1-336.2:2; 2008, c. 3.2-4201 ; 2016, c. 3.2-4201 .